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Posts Tagged ‘Bigg Boss’

Bigg Boss – Season 4 – Dolly ne jeet liya task….Khalli ban gaye captain.

Posted by on December 9, 2010


Vodafone Presents Bigg Boss Season 4
Day 66 –Thursday Episode

Day 66 in the Bigg Boss house starts with loads of surprises and mixed emotions. The alarm bell rings with Vodafone song ‘Little things you do for me’. The weighing scale task gets over and it’s the time for housemates to heave a sigh of relief. Bigg boss announces the results and Ashmit reads out the letter sent by Bigg Boss. The letter says that the housemates did not succeed in doing the task well and hence they get 0 budget. While Dolly who did her secret task of making veena and Shweta sit on the weighing scale continuously for almost 12 hours gets 3 times more budget. She is given a discretion that she can have the three time more budget all to herself, can order whatever she wants and need not eat with other housemates if she so wishes to. When the housemates learn this, they get upset but Dolly is too happy about winning the task and orders for Chicken, Badam etc.
After this the housemates wait for thier new captain. As per the changed format, three names are nominated for the captaincy role and the names being Dolly, Seema and Khali. Khali manages to win maximum votes. Even Dolly and Seema vote for Khali. Khali becomes the house-captain.for the second time. Housemates then discuss that they are relieved that Dolly is no more the captain of the house.
Later in the night Ashmit and Sara have a tiff. Sara tells Ashmit that she now wants to leave the house and has started missing ‘Ted’ (Ali). To this Ashmit over-reacts and tells Sara that she is a two faced personality and is not genuine. Sara tries to reason with him when Ashmit shouts and tells her that She kept on nominating Veena continuously despite of being a friend. She always goes to Shweta and bitches about him and Veena. This leads to a very big fight till Veena comes in between and separates Ashmit and Sara from the fight.
The atmosphere of the house gets disturbed. All the housemates discuss about the nominations to be held tomorrow. 
To know who is voted evicted this week, keep watching Bigg Boss from Monday to Friday at 9 pm Only on COLORS



Press Release submitted by Genesis Burson- Marsteller



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Bigg Boss 4: TRPs likely to hit all time high as busty Pamela walks into Bigg Boss house

Posted by on November 14, 2010

The TRPs of Colors as a channel and Bigg Boss Season 4 are all set to hit an all time high as busty Pamela Anderson walks into the Bigg Boss house, says our in-house psychic Flintoff Mintoff. Unless of course Sony gets someone bigger on KBC?

Colors will reach its highest TRP recorded so far in the life history of the GEC. The channel is likely to get huge audiences from all over the globe glued to the telly and particularly millions of Indians living abroad and Pamela Anderson fans worldwide.

Meanwhile last week we told you two days prior the eviction date that Anchal would have to leave the house. We were right. We are now going to predict who will leave the Bigg Boss house this week. Any guesses? Leave your views and comments. We value your bouquets as much as we do your barbs and brickbats.

Keep reading this blog every week to know who will go out of the Bigg Boss house. Bookies, bookmakers, matkawallas and all others, we won’t be wrong this time as well. 🙂

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Bigg Boss 4: Anchal to be evicted this week?

Posted by on November 11, 2010

By Suparna Seth – Futuristic Media Network

Our in-house psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer Flintoff Mintoff has predicted that it will be Anchal’s turn to be evicted this week. Anchal is too sweet and quiet for Bigg Boss. Besides she does not have the fan following and network that others like Dolly Bindra have outside the house.

Dolly Bindra, Manoj Tiwari and two other inmates have a team of professional managers, publicists, secretaries and others working for them to ensure that they get a great number of votes and are not evicted in case of a nomination.

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Bigg Boss 4: Veena Malik a bookie, escort and money launderer??

Posted by on November 10, 2010

By Team Futuristic Media Network

Several reports have surfaced in the past two weeks alleging that Pakistani wannabe starlet Veena Malik could have possibly been involved in various illegal and immoral activities. According to a report in Mid-day, more than one of Veena Malik’s former associates or acquaintances have alleged that she was a bookie and involved in fixing cricket matches and spot fixing. Several reports in the past have alleged that Veena Malik was involved in the flesh trade and worked as a high-class, jet-setting escort or call girl who was linked and seen with more than one high-flying cricketer.  She allegedly demanded her fees for escort services from more than one crickter and was also linked with an Australian cricket coach.

Media reports also allege that Veena Malik may have acted in soft porn films or similar C-grade film projects or posed for still shoots for adult men’s magazines.  A local Pakistani newspaper had linked her to some soft-porn racket in the past.  Apparently Veena Malik seems to have led the most colorful life compared to all the other inmates in the Bigg Boss house, which also possibly qualifies her to be on a Reality Show on Colors. With such a colorful past, Veena Malik seems to be most-experienced in the art of manipulation, trickery and the other associated dark arts – if we may call them that.

According to a recent news report in a London financial paper, Veena Malik was also part of international money laundering rackets or hawala trade. So much for her qualifications and her dossier, we wonder how she was given a Work Visa to travel to India and work here. With her allegedly criminal background and the stringent visa norms, particularly for Pakistani nationals, we won’t be surprised if Veena Malik had some special friends in the Ministry of External Affairs who helped her procure a visa.

Posted in Bollywood, Breaking News, General News, Gossip and Gupshup, Gossip Scoops, News, Reality Shows, Sports, Television, TV News | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »


Posted by on May 19, 2010


Will our very own desi girl Shradha Sharma join the select group of the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Kim Basinger, Janet Jones, Drew Barrymore, Amanda Beard, Samantha Fox and the more recent alleged mistress of Tiger Woods – Rachel Uchitel in adorning the covers and centre spread of Playboy magazine. If sources are to be believed, Shradha Sharma has been approached by an international photographer to shoot for the cover and centre spread of Playboy magazine Asian edition.

Says Shradha Sharma, “I have no problems shooting for Playboy. It is an international magazine and the shoot will give me a lot of international exposure. Many well-known Hollywood actresses, super models, singers, sports women and even women in politics have posed for the magazine. Playboy ke liye kuch bhi karega,” she adds jokingly.  The Hugh Hefner group has been taking apparent interest in Indian models of late and more than one Indian model has claimed to have been approached by the magazine.

When asked how will it affect her career in India, as India is still a conservative country when it comes to Playboy and the magazine is officially banned in India, Shradha says, “As such Playboy magazine is not available in India, so the question of offending Indian sentiments doesn’t arise.

Most Playboy models are paid about $ 50,000 or about Rs 2.3 lakh per shoot while the Playmate of the Year gets about Rs 60 to Rs 75 lakh for the Annual Special.We wonder how much Shradha Sharma would be paid for this shoot?


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Posted by on May 12, 2010




The sexy yet cute actress Shradha Sharma who was last seen on the Reality Show Emotional Atyachaar with her boyfriend Raja Chaudhary has stirred a hornets nest.It’s the mother of all battles. In a hard-hitting interview to the leading TV magazine GR8, in a four-page interview Shradha Sharma talks about her relationship with Raja Chaudhary and the other men in her life.

In the ballastic, devil-may-dare interview, Shradha Sharma has openly accused television star Shweta Tiwari of “sleeping around”. When asked why Raja Chaudhary ill-treated his ex-wife Shweta Tiwari, Shradha says very matter-of-factly, “Shweta was sleeping around and everybody knows that, that’s what he (Raja Chaudhary) said. So being a man till when can you take all this”.

Shweta used to send goondas to the flat at Malad (in suburban Mumbai) where Raja Chaudhary was staying – obviously to threaten him and make him vacate the flat, Shradha reveals in the interview, adding that she has never met Shweta Tiwari and does not want to ever meet her.

Shradha also talks about her involvement with Abhishek Awasthi – Rakhi Sawant’s former boyfriend.  “I was never interested in him. I liked him as a friend. He was after me all the time. Wooing me with flowers, chocolates and even wine bottles. He once tried to get me drunk. If you like Shradha Sharma, you must have the balls to accept and admit it. He told me he doesn’t like Rakhi. He used to say that Rakhi ill-treated him and considered him as a servant or a door-mat,” says Shradha in the bold interview.


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Raja Chaudhary: “Shradha Sharma is more beautiful than Shweta Tiwari and a better human being”

Posted by on May 10, 2010

Couple kiss and make up post Emotional Attayachar, will be seen together on dance Reality Show


In a recent interview to a film magazine, former Bigg Boss participant, actor and producer Raja Chaudhary very candidly said, “Shradha is better than Shweta (Shweta Tiwari) as a person, a human and a companion.” He further added than Shradha Sharma is much more sexier and beautiful than his ex-wife Shweta Tiwari.

Raja Chaudhary is a fighter, a survivor and a tough person. In spite of what has been written about him in the past, Raja has made a U-turn. He has convinced his lady-love Shradha Sharma to be with him and the couple have kissed and made up.

In fact, Raja is expected to go to Shradha’s home at Lokhandwala officially this Sunday and ask her to take him back as her partner. He is also expected to propose marriage to her once again, after their bitter experience in Emotional Attayachar.

If Rakhi Sawant and Abhishek can do a Reality Show together even after breaking up, so can Shradha Sharma and Raja Chaudhary. But in this case, the couple is now very much together. Sources say that Sharadha and Raja Chaudhary will be seen in a dance Reality Show very soon on a popular Hindi entertainment channel. The couple is also negotiating a comedy show together as well as stage shows and item songs in films.

Raja Chaudhary is supposedly producing a new music video for Sharadha. We look forward to seeing the couple together on screen. Like they say, “all’s well that ends well”. We wish the couple some great times together.

Photos and Content: (c) Futuristic Media Network

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Posted by on December 8, 2009

By Frank Franklyn – Futuristic Media Network



A special jasoos tells us that Bollywood badshah Salman Khan is a great fan of a particular television reality show. Now you don’t have to be a PhD in Bollywood entertainment to guess which TV show is catching Sallu miyas attention these days. It’s none other than Bigg Boss. And no points for guessing why. How can we forget that Sallu’s ‘special friend’ Claudia Ciesla is in Bigg Boss and the popular reality show has just entered its last phase now?


Our source tells us that once the show goes on air each evening, Sallu bhaiya tries to catch up wherever he is. If not, he will try to get the late night edition or will try to find out the outcome of the day from friends. And Fridays and Mondays – the eviction and nomination days respectively – are very special. Bollywood’s favourite star and heart-throb of millions of women the world over, will do everything to be in front of a TV set on Fridays and Mondays. We tried to ask Salman about his sudden interest in Bigg Boss, but all that he did was give us one of his trillion-dollar shy smiles. Ok Sally bhaiya we get the point. We will leave you to your TV set at least on Fridays and Mondays.


Meanwhile, the sexy, cute super model from Germany Claudia Ciesla may soon be seen as a cold-blooded killer in the brutal Raaj Varma Entertainment thriller movie THE LUCKY 13TH.  According to our sources, Claudia Ciesla’s role in the movie will demand her to brutally kill at least two people to survive as per the script of the movie.


While Claudia Ciesla may be locked away in the Bigg Boss house at Lonavla, a little birdie from Bollywood tells us that the 22-year-old German super model is soon expected to be seen in – as director Praveen Dodeja puts it – “the scariest movie ever made in India”.


Yes we are talking about the Praveen Dodeja directed; Raaj Varma Entertainment produced film THE LUCKY 13TH. Confirming this development Claudia Ciesla’s spokesperson and Executive Producer of THE LUCKY 13TH Flynn Remedios said, “Claudia Ciesla will most probably be a part of this project. We are trying to work things out as this is a big project and Claudia’s presence would add a twist to the story.”


While neither the director nor the Executive Producer were willing to share further details about the film, sources told us that The Lucky 13th will indeed be the scariest movie ever made in India. It is pregnant with blood and gore and is definitely a very, if not the most brutal film ever made. In the film THE LUCKY 13TH produced by Raaj Varma Entertainment, 13 young people all mysteriously inter-connected with each other find themselves in a desolate fort in the middle of no-where. A sinister fight to survive and get out of the place by killing the others is unleashed on the hapless 13 who have no choice but to heed the diktak of the evil monster. Only one will survive the ordeal, but not before he or she has brutally done to death the rest of the gang. The film stars German super model Claudia Ciesla (currently locked up in the Bigg Boss House, TV actor Swapna Tiwari, Jennifer besides 10 others.


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Posted by on December 6, 2009


For immediate publication:





Mumbai, Sunday 6th December 2009: Mumbai-based film production house Raaj Varma Entertainment today formally introduced their thriller film THE LUCKY 13TH. Speaking at a press conference today, producer Raaj Varma of Raaj Varma Entertainment said, “We promise audiences the most spell-binding entertainment ever.”

Director Praveen Dodeja assured his viewers one of the most unforgettable visual experiences ever seen on Indian screens. “While the film is pregnant with gore, brutality and grime, we will adhere to basic levels of decency and also ensure that it’s within the parameters acceptable to the Indian Censor Board,” said Praveen Dodeja.

In the film, 13 young people all mysteriously inter-connected with each other find themselves in a desolate fort in the middle of no-where. A sinister fight to survive and get out of the place by killing the others is unleashed on the hapless 13 who have no choice but to heed the diktak of the evil monster. Only one will survive the ordeal, but not before he or she has brutally done to death the rest of the gang. The film stars German super model Claudia Ciesla (currently locked up in the Bigg Boss House and TV actor Swapna Tiwari besides 11 others.

The film, which is multilingual, will be released in various languages across the world and will compete for eyeballs with some of the best studios in Bollywood as well as Hollywood, said Flynn Remedios, Media Advisor and Executive Producer for the project. “In terms of marketing and presentation, The Lucky 13th from Raaj Varma Entertainment will compare to some of the best products from Hollywood studios, if not excell in the industry,” said Flynn Remedios. The film goes on floors in the third week of December and is expected to be completed by end Feburary 2010. The film will release around May 2010, said Producer Raaj Varma.


For more details contact:

Melissa DeCosta / Flynn Remedios

Tel: +919821666000 / +919819233444       Email:


Website:              Blog:

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Posted by on December 3, 2009

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