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Posts Tagged ‘Rakhi ka Swayamwar’


Posted by on May 19, 2010


Will our very own desi girl Shradha Sharma join the select group of the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Kim Basinger, Janet Jones, Drew Barrymore, Amanda Beard, Samantha Fox and the more recent alleged mistress of Tiger Woods – Rachel Uchitel in adorning the covers and centre spread of Playboy magazine. If sources are to be believed, Shradha Sharma has been approached by an international photographer to shoot for the cover and centre spread of Playboy magazine Asian edition.

Says Shradha Sharma, “I have no problems shooting for Playboy. It is an international magazine and the shoot will give me a lot of international exposure. Many well-known Hollywood actresses, super models, singers, sports women and even women in politics have posed for the magazine. Playboy ke liye kuch bhi karega,” she adds jokingly.  The Hugh Hefner group has been taking apparent interest in Indian models of late and more than one Indian model has claimed to have been approached by the magazine.

When asked how will it affect her career in India, as India is still a conservative country when it comes to Playboy and the magazine is officially banned in India, Shradha says, “As such Playboy magazine is not available in India, so the question of offending Indian sentiments doesn’t arise.

Most Playboy models are paid about $ 50,000 or about Rs 2.3 lakh per shoot while the Playmate of the Year gets about Rs 60 to Rs 75 lakh for the Annual Special.We wonder how much Shradha Sharma would be paid for this shoot?


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Posted by on December 8, 2009

By Frank Franklyn – Futuristic Media Network



A special jasoos tells us that Bollywood badshah Salman Khan is a great fan of a particular television reality show. Now you don’t have to be a PhD in Bollywood entertainment to guess which TV show is catching Sallu miyas attention these days. It’s none other than Bigg Boss. And no points for guessing why. How can we forget that Sallu’s ‘special friend’ Claudia Ciesla is in Bigg Boss and the popular reality show has just entered its last phase now?


Our source tells us that once the show goes on air each evening, Sallu bhaiya tries to catch up wherever he is. If not, he will try to get the late night edition or will try to find out the outcome of the day from friends. And Fridays and Mondays – the eviction and nomination days respectively – are very special. Bollywood’s favourite star and heart-throb of millions of women the world over, will do everything to be in front of a TV set on Fridays and Mondays. We tried to ask Salman about his sudden interest in Bigg Boss, but all that he did was give us one of his trillion-dollar shy smiles. Ok Sally bhaiya we get the point. We will leave you to your TV set at least on Fridays and Mondays.


Meanwhile, the sexy, cute super model from Germany Claudia Ciesla may soon be seen as a cold-blooded killer in the brutal Raaj Varma Entertainment thriller movie THE LUCKY 13TH.  According to our sources, Claudia Ciesla’s role in the movie will demand her to brutally kill at least two people to survive as per the script of the movie.


While Claudia Ciesla may be locked away in the Bigg Boss house at Lonavla, a little birdie from Bollywood tells us that the 22-year-old German super model is soon expected to be seen in – as director Praveen Dodeja puts it – “the scariest movie ever made in India”.


Yes we are talking about the Praveen Dodeja directed; Raaj Varma Entertainment produced film THE LUCKY 13TH. Confirming this development Claudia Ciesla’s spokesperson and Executive Producer of THE LUCKY 13TH Flynn Remedios said, “Claudia Ciesla will most probably be a part of this project. We are trying to work things out as this is a big project and Claudia’s presence would add a twist to the story.”


While neither the director nor the Executive Producer were willing to share further details about the film, sources told us that The Lucky 13th will indeed be the scariest movie ever made in India. It is pregnant with blood and gore and is definitely a very, if not the most brutal film ever made. In the film THE LUCKY 13TH produced by Raaj Varma Entertainment, 13 young people all mysteriously inter-connected with each other find themselves in a desolate fort in the middle of no-where. A sinister fight to survive and get out of the place by killing the others is unleashed on the hapless 13 who have no choice but to heed the diktak of the evil monster. Only one will survive the ordeal, but not before he or she has brutally done to death the rest of the gang. The film stars German super model Claudia Ciesla (currently locked up in the Bigg Boss House, TV actor Swapna Tiwari, Jennifer besides 10 others.


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Posted by on August 12, 2009





A furious Shradha Sharma lashed out viciously at Rakhi Sawant’s ex-boyfriend Abhishek Awasthi asserting that Abhishek Awasthi was a liar, a dog and an idiot.


Shradha’s rage went through the roof when she read an interview in the latest issue of Showtime magazine, where in an interview Abhishek Awasthi was quoted as saying, “I don’t know who the hell this Shradha Sharma is. I have seen articles on the net linking our names together, but I have kept silent because the more I talk about this, the more publicity the other person will get and I don’t want that.”


Abhishek’s statements were a desperate means to get into the good books of Rakhi Sawant and a last-ditch effort to distance himself from ex-flame Shradha Sharma. In the past Rakhi Sawant had accused Abhishek Awasthi of ditching her for Shradha Sharma and even trying to woo another woman while he was living-in with her. In an interview Rakhi had said, “I pray that God may punish Abhishek for cheating me”.


When we confronted Shradha Sharma with this interview, she blew her top. “Like a dog, Abhishek used to stand outside my house and wait for me. He brought me wine bottles and flowers and used to sit at my feet and press my legs calling me names like ‘princess’ etc. He is an idiot and I knew from the start that he only wanted to use me to further his own career. He promised me lots of work and tried to show me that he had all of Rakhi Sawant’s contacts. If I meet him, I will give him two tight slaps. He wanted me to marry him. He used to woo me with promises like ‘I will keep you very happy baby’. He even invited me several times to his new flat at Malad and we even watched a few films at his pad all alone. Now the b*****d doesn’t have the b***s to face up to all that. He is a coward and an idiot of the first order. I haven’t seen a bigger looser than him,” blurted a visibly upset and screaming Shradha Sharma.


Wanting to set the record straight, Shradha Sharma got her publicist Flynn Remedios to issue an official Press Statemen claiming that “Shradha Sharma was very hurt and disappointed with Abhishek Awasthi and his dirty tricks and irresponsible comments. It is sad that he is lying through his teeth. Shradha Sharma doesn’t need Abhishek’s help for her publicity. “



So furious and violent was she that we decided not to ask her any more questions about her “friendship” with Abhishek Awasthi.  But she added on her own, “I kept quiet about this entire issue all this while as I don’t believe in washing dirty linen in public. What transpired between Abhishek Awasthi and me was something very private. In fact, I would not have entertained him in the first place, but he promised to teach me dance and get me good work. I was at that time looking for a good choreographer and he offered to help me out. He also told me that Rakhi used to ill-treat him and he wanted to opt out of the relationship with Rakhi Sawant. “


“Even when the media questioned me, I only said that Abhishek was a friend. But now I know that he is an idiot and a loser. He had told me time and again that he was willing to ‘dump’ Rakhi Sawant if I agreed to marry him. He wanted to marry me at all cost and did everything to woo me and convince me. We have gone on long drives and once even met with a minor accident as Abhishek got me some wine and got me drunk on the way. He was trying to get me into a soup or a compromising position with him so that he could possibly blackmail me later on.”


He was even trying to sleep with me by hook or crook. He got me drunk by getting very strong wine, knowing very well that I cannot hold my drinks. He would tell me that the wine was very mild and would pour out a full glass. Not knowing the strength of the wine, I would drink it only to realise after a few minutes that my head was reeling and paining badly. Abhishek Awasthi was trying to get me drunk in order to have sex with me, thinking that I would succumb to his demands and pressure. Fortunately for me, I saw through his tricks and managed to keep him at bay.”


We tried to contact Abhishek Awasthi for his comments, but his phone was not reachable in spite of several attempts. We even sent him an SMS but he didn’t respond to our efforts to contact him for his side of the story.







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Posted by on August 3, 2009


By Ashwin Salian – Futuristic Media Network

World famous Astro-numerologist and Vaastu Consultant Sandhiya Mehta on Monday said that Rakhi Sawant’s Swayamvar is fake and nothing but a publicity stunt for herself. She also asserted that Rakhi will never marry Elesh Parujanwala in real life.

Sandhiya Mehta has counseled some of the country’s top politicos like Narendra Modi, businessmen and even scientists opined that according to her research and calculations, Rakhi Sawant and Elesh Parujanwala are poles apart from each other in terms of maturity. “They are definitely not in love with each other. About two months ago, I had predicted that Rakhi Sawant will not marry. She has just got engaged in a sham show, which was just an act – they are all actors in a staged drama with an eye on the TRPs. The drama was enacted only to ensure maximum TRPs.”

Meanwhile sources said that the entire “Reality Show” Rakhi ka Swayamvar was a staged and partly scripted. The finalists were paid huge sums of money to feign and pretend that they were in love with Rakhi Sawant. Even the so called engagement was scripted and the winner Elesh is ‘gifted’ a huge sum of money in return for his ‘consent’ to get ‘engaged’ to Rakhi Sawant.

Further Sandhiya Mehta predicts that Rakhi Sawant will never get married. “Marriage is never on the cards for Rakhi Sawant. Even if she does get married, unfortunately it will end very soon. Rakhi Sawant will always be a single woman, though she may be in and out of relationships.”

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Posted by on July 30, 2009

By Flynn Remedios – © Futuristic Media Network

Speaking to journalist Flynn Remedios, Rakhi Sawant Bollywood’s most enigmatic and unpredictable personality said that she was NOT going to marry.

“This is just another Reality Show or Game Show. It’s just like any other TV program. I am not going to marry now. Maybe I may date the winner in real life. But it doesn’t mean that I am bound to marry the winner of the show if there is any one.”

When further queried, she shot back, “There is a possibility that there may not be any winner. Yes I may decide I do not eventually like anyone from this lot of suitors,” quipped the drama queen adding and hinting that there may be a Rakhi ka Swayamwar Part II or Season II.

Rakhi insisted that she would definitely want to get to know the contestants in real life. “Yeh toh Reel Life hein. Real Life to alag hein na. I have to get to know them inside out. Barabar se tatolna hoga. I can not make the same mistakes I made earlier.

Apparently, Rakhi has been married twice before according to unconfirmed media reports and should she get married this time, it would possibly be her third marriage. In fact, one of her former beaus had raised a ruckus saying that legally Rakhi Sawant was still married to him and how could the actress and item queen get married again.

Earlier Shradha Sharma and astro-numerologist Sandhiya Mehta had raised doubts about Rakhi’s intention to marry. Sandhiya Mehta had asserted that the show was a farce and just anotherTV soap.

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